Thursday, November 21, 2013

JOB DESCRIPTIONS or... "What do employees do at camp?"

Short answer: "Employees have specific job duties, but flexibility is crucial because we ask our employees to accomplish many different things."

Short story: In 2000 & 2001 I washed dishes and cleaned-up after people in the cafeteria. It was tough, and after serving as a counselor in 2002 I thought I would never have to wash dishes again.

I was wrong.

In 2003 there was a manpower shortage in the kitchen and the assistant camp director asked me to fill in as a cafeteria worker for one week. I wish I could say that I approached it with a smile and a great attitude, but I was (at best) very lukewarm to the idea.

Now I see that the camp administration was solving a real problem in a very logical way, by determining:
   1) who's available;
   2) who's qualified;
   3) what would be least disruptive to camp.  

We still make those kinds of decisions when we need too.


We have so many different job opportunities available at summer camp that it would take too much time to explain them all in a blog post. If you're interested in work at camp, please review the list of job descriptions on our website. 

Find PSR Camp Job Descriptions:
   1) Visit PSR.Camp
   2) Click on the 'ULTRACAMP' button on the screen.
   3) Click on 'Document Center' button on the toolbar (screen left)
   3) All job descriptions are available here by December 1st every year.

^Camp requires a varied staff of about 90 people to run smoothly. The amount of new staff we hire every summer varies between 20% to 60%.

^We are always looking for new, excellent staff members who believe that summer camp changes lives.


Question: Why should I work at Pine Springs Ranch verses a different camp?
Answer: I have had the opportunity to visit many different camps, and I believe PSR Camp offers a competitive wage, great financial bonus opportunities, amazing staff events (both during camp and year-round), and nine days of staff training and bonding time. We're also ACA accredited, which means that we've proved ourselves to a standards board that we really do thing right.

Question: I want to work at camp, but there are so many different job descriptions and I don't feel qualified for anything.
Answer: If your willing to do anything, I recommend you apply for flex staff. These are special staff members who float between camp activity departments and fill in when other staff members are on their day off.

Question: When should I think about applying to work at camp?
Answer: We start interviews in January and often are hiring up until the day camp begins. The sooner you know that you want to work at camp and apply, the more likely you will be to get a job.

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